CroaÂtia / BraÄŤ
The CroaÂtiÂan island of BraÄŤ in the AdriaÂtic impresÂses with kiloÂmeÂters of sanÂdy beaÂches that in some places lead hundreds of meters to the open sea.
Thu + Sun: 11:00 — 12:30h
Sun + Thu: 13:00 — 14:30h
1:30h from WieÂner Neustadt
AirÂcraft: PilaÂtus PC-12 NG
Max. PasÂsenÂgers: 6
from 1.890 €
per perÂson (incl. return flight)

ConÂveÂniÂent and easy
From April — OctoÂber:
Enjoy the direct flight from WieÂner NeuÂstadt to BraÄŤ
Max. 6 pasÂsenÂgers per flight.
No waiÂting at the airÂport.
GeneÂrous cabin with comÂforÂtaÂble equipÂment.
DriÂve straight to the plane.
SpeÂcials for hotel guests.
For speÂcial moments, like your honeyÂmoon, we can put togÂeÂther speÂcial packaÂges for you togÂeÂther with the Hotel Lemongarden. Book a comÂpleÂte plaÂne for yoursÂelf and then let yoursÂelf be pamÂpeÂred in the priÂvaÂteÂly run Hotel Lemongarden with its 23 suiÂtes / maiÂsoÂnettes & 12 rooms. Be it the regioÂnal, seaÂsoÂnal deliÂcaÂciÂes of the in-house top restauÂrant, the exquiÂsiÂte wines from the well-stoÂcked wine celÂlar or the bar, which inviÂtes you to linÂger in a MediÂterÂraÂneÂan ambiÂence. Even the 100 m² wellÂness paviÂliÂon with priÂvaÂte SPA leaÂves notÂhing to be desired…
Ilić Dvor Hotel D.o.o. • PeriÂća Kala 1 • HR — 21403 SutiÂvan / BraÄŤ / Hrvatska
Tel. +385 21 66 00 62
PriÂces in EURO per perÂson and valid until 26.10.2024. SubÂject to chanÂges.
LimiÂtÂed avaiÂlaÂbiÂliÂty, the geneÂral conÂdiÂtiÂons of carÂriaÂge of Goldeck Flug GmbH appÂly.
In addiÂtiÂon, if theÂre are fewer than three peoÂpÂle, we take the liberÂty of finÂding posÂsiÂble alterÂnaÂtiÂves for you.