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GET IN TOUCH: fly@goldeckflug.com

Croa­tia / BraÄŤ

Hotel Lemongarden

Croa­tia, BraÄŤ

(from end of April 2024)
2x a week

The Croa­ti­an island of BraÄŤ in the Adria­tic impres­ses with kilo­me­ters of san­dy bea­ches that in some places lead hundreds of meters to the open sea.


  • Thu + Sun: 11:00 — 12:30h

  • Sun + Thu: 13:00 — 14:30h

  • 1:30h from Wie­ner Neustadt

  • Air­craft: Pila­tus PC-12 NG

  • Max. Pas­sen­gers: 6

from 1.890 €
per per­son (incl. return flight)

book now
Con­ve­ni­ent and easy
From April — Octo­ber:
Enjoy the direct flight from Wie­ner Neu­stadt to BraÄŤ 

Max. 6 pas­sen­gers per flight.
No wai­ting at the air­port.
Gene­rous cabin with com­for­ta­ble equip­ment.
Dri­ve straight to the plane.

Spe­cials for hotel guests.

For spe­cial moments, like your honey­moon, we can put tog­e­ther spe­cial packa­ges for you tog­e­ther with the Hotel Lemongarden. Book a com­ple­te pla­ne for yours­elf and then let yours­elf be pam­pe­red in the pri­va­te­ly run Hotel Lemongarden with its 23 sui­tes / mai­so­nettes & 12 rooms. Be it the regio­nal, sea­so­nal deli­ca­ci­es of the in-house top restau­rant, the exqui­si­te wines from the well-sto­cked wine cel­lar or the bar, which invi­tes you to lin­ger in a Medi­ter­ra­ne­an ambi­ence. Even the 100 m² well­ness pavi­li­on with pri­va­te SPA lea­ves not­hing to be desired…


Ilić Dvor Hotel D.o.o. • Peri­ća Kala 1 • HR — 21403 Suti­van / BraÄŤ / Hrvatska 
Tel. +385 21 66 00 62

hotel web­site

Pri­ces in EURO per per­son and valid until 26.10.2024. Sub­ject to chan­ges.
Limi­t­ed avai­la­bi­li­ty, the gene­ral con­di­ti­ons of car­ria­ge of Goldeck Flug GmbH app­ly.
In addi­ti­on, if the­re are fewer than three peo­p­le, we take the liber­ty of fin­ding pos­si­ble alter­na­ti­ves for you.

Book now

book now

Feel free to cont­act us any time:

Pila­tus PC-12 NG

Pila­tus PC-12 NG



      The Pila­tus PC-12 NG is ver­sa­ti­le and powerful.

      (PC-12 NG)
      (PC-12 NG)
      /  Spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons

      Pila­tus PC-12 NG

      • Num­ber of pas­sen­gers: 6
      • Max. ran­ge: 3.300 km (1.800 nm)
      • Max. ran­ge (8 pax): 2.200 km (1.200 nm)
      • Max. flight alti­tu­de: 9.100 m (30.000 ft)
      • Max. take-off weight: 4.740 kg (10.450 lbs)
      • Wingspan: 16,28 m (53 ft 4 in)
      • Cabin height: 1,47 m (4 ft 10 in)
      /  Ran­ge

      Ran­ge: up to 3.300 km

      /  Inte­ri­or

      Gene­rous and spacious

      The Goldeck Fleet

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