Goldeck Fleet
With our fleet, we offer our cusÂtoÂmers the best soluÂtiÂon for their indiÂviÂduÂal traÂvel needs.
Goldeck-Flug is one of the first and leaÂding comÂpaÂnies in AusÂtria in the field of exeÂcuÂtiÂve and priÂvaÂte aviaÂtiÂon. We have been a reliaÂble partÂner in aviaÂtiÂon sinÂce 1991.
/ About Goldeck-Flug / SafeÂty / Team / LocaÂtiÂon
With our fleet, we offer our cusÂtoÂmers the best soluÂtiÂon for their indiÂviÂduÂal traÂvel needs.